I used to blog. I used to blog superhard. Then Facebook came and nobody wanted to read long posts anymore and the social media thing exploded and our faces with a deep, deep caption became, well, enough.
I also loved to read blogs. I remember being a teenager who thought that maybe, someday, if I was really lucky, could publish some comics and then I found this huge community of artists who were generous enough to share their process, their favourite art supplies or even the music they listened to when they were working. The Future brought great things such as podcasts and youtube channels and all, but I still remember the thrill of randomly going to my favourite artists’ blogs and finding a new post (sometimes interesting, sometimes not so much but hey, life´s like that too).
I have been looking forward to opening this blog for a loooooong time but as I was designing it, it never felt enough. Then, three months ago I moved to London and I started to feel back on track after a creative block that had lasted forever; also, I am discovering so much in this city that I just have to tell somebody how amazing and horrible and amazing again this experience is being.
I also started a newsletter (the envelope with the creepy hand will guide you to the subscription) because sometimes I don´t have material for a long chat but we can run into each other on the street and I will make you a little update of what I am watching or what book I am enjoying at the moment (and well… I would love some recommendations too). No one likes spammers so I promise: one or two e-mails per month.
I just want to ask for a teeny-tiny thing: don´t make me feel like I am talking alone. Sorry for the marketing-guru-vibes but I want this to be a conversation (between polite and friendly people, please), not a monologue. In exchange, I will bring a bunch of stuff that I know I would enjoy and maybe, who knows, I too could make you feel those thrills I talked about.